success coaching
success through target setting, mental strength & resilience
Goals are essential for what we want to achieve. Without goals there is no motivation and willingness to act and also no perseverance. The right target setting and definition of necessary actions are important process steps to achieve what we want. Sometimes however it is necessary to transform a problem into a solution first, before targets can be defined.
But even with defined goals there are sometimes obstacles that must be overcome in order to not lose sight of our goal. With mental strength and resilience we are able to optimally retrieve our performance and capabilities, despite all adversities and disturbances, in order to achieve the goals set by ourselves.
To be able to make the desired success available, in the right situation, requires a certain amount of training. This is obvious to most when it comes to physical fitness. It is however often neglected that our thoughts and feelings have to adjust to being optimally capable to perform. This is even more important considering that our body and mind are mutually dependent. This is been recognized and well known in professional sports, where mental training is used accordingly.
The good news: Everyone can learn optimal target setting, mental strength and resilience and harness them for future challenges.
“Our thoughts make us what we are.”
Our thoughts are responsible for our success because our thoughts determine our actions. Our actions determine our behavior and our behavior shapes our lives, our environment and relationships.
You will find out how to control your thoughts in such a way that you can optimally shape your life through your inner attitude, in order to be sustainably successful. It is about the development of visions and goals, motivation, building of inner strengths, dealing with ambiguities and change. It is also about learning from mistakes and approaching new ways, meaningfully using resources to avoid stress and burn-out, establishing a functioning communication and conflict behavior as well as dissolving blocking emotions.
life coaching
successful life balance & stress management
„I’m looking for less stress in my life, more time for my family and friends. I also want to live healthier and I want to have more time for things that I enjoy! “
Perhaps you already had one or the other desire for change in this direction?
The only question is how to do it all. Avoiding stressors, using time effectively, changing habits sustainably and balancing everything? And how can I have sufficient time in everyday life to implement all this?
Nicole Jacobsson pursues a holistic approach as a Life Coach. It's about identifying your individual needs for a fulfilling life.
We humans are fundamentally in balance when we feel our needs and when we are successful in integrating our needs into our lives. It is about a constant alignment of our goals with our needs.
It therefore varies greatly what a life balance looks like, as it depends on personal needs regardless of the level of stress. Knowing ourselves protects us even in stressful situations from neglecting our needs.
As a coach, Nicole Jacobsson works with you on your self-control skills such as self-awareness, self-determination and your intentions to do so. This is the basis for a successful life balance.
Head and body feeling are mutually dependent, so that both have relevance for your self-control competence. All in all, this is a holistic integrating process which takes into account the needs of body, mind and soul, as well as the different roles in life.
career coaching and consulting
Career coaching is for Nicole Jacobsson the support of clients pursuing professional aspirations, based on competencies, skills and strengths. Nicole Jacobsson helps you to define your own career goals, assess and define different options, make decisions for the next steps and assist you in your self-marketing.
Regardless whether it is about the development of your self-employment, your employment relationship as a job starter or the next step on the career ladder, Nicole Jacobsson knows as an experienced HR Executive, that your success in particular depends on your awareness of your competences and strengths and how well you are equipped to promote yourself in an authentic and effective way.
Together we work on your successful self-branding.