coaching of private customers
The systemic resource model, which is the basis for the coaching process and approach of Nicole Jacobsson, consistently focuses on the resources and competencies of her clients.
The learning takes place when access to resources, skills, capabilities and solutions becomes tangible. This enables the client to independently activate enablers for a fulfilled and healthy life in the future.
Nicole Jacobsson works with her clients based on an attitude of ethics and appreciation. As a client you will decide on the right approach which Nicole Jacobsson offers to you. She supports you with a holistic approach ensuring a trustful collaboration meeting you at eye level. The coaching process is characterized by confidentiality and openness to your needs and is supporting you to identify and focus on solutions.
Your coaching topics can be quite diverse, such as
Professional reorientation or dealing with failure
Achievements of goals of any kind
Performance optimization in sports, work or school
Solution of relationship problems
Dealing with changes and leaving your own comfort zone
Resolving conflicts in private and professional context
Dealing with stress, demotivation, listlessness and frustration
Personal & career development or your entrepreneurial personality
Each coaching is individually tailored to your needs. Comprehensive assessments and specifications are always the basis for the professional collaboration.
coaching and consulting for companies
executive and leadership coaching
More and more companies are recognizing the added value of leadership and executive coaching and are promoting their managers and teams accordingly. Nicole Jacobsson regards coaching as a highly efficient tool and process for personnel development, which allows a customized and tailored professional and personal competence enhancement in a sustainable manner.
Professionally practiced leadership capabilities represent an important resource for employees’ performance and engagement and hence has a positive effect on a company's success. On the other hand, leadership weaknesses affect company performance with employees not living up to their potential.
Managers are rarely prepared for their leadership role. Even at a later stage, an open exchange with colleagues and supervisors on difficult leadership issues is usually difficult or undesirable. It therefore makes sense to support leaders at an early stage in their career through external coaching, to reflect on their own role, possible development areas and dealing with specific requirements.
Even Senior leaders and Executives benefit from professional coaching when having a neutral sparring partner to discuss all kind of matters which they cannot discuss otherwise.
team development
With the systemic team building approach, Nicole Jacobsson supports companies to optimize the overall performance of teams. By improving collaboration and motivation of team members, the loyalty and identification with the organization’s goals is enhanced. This creates a healthy working environment with reduction of inefficiency and better resolution of team conflicts.
Typical teams in companies are
Management Board
Top Management level
Executives/ Managers who are connected via a topic
Project teams
conflict resolution and mediation
Conflict mediation between two parties or in groups is complex; many people, issues, different views need to be managed. The moderation of a conflict resolution is a challenging exercise where both structure and process needs to be balanced.
Nicole Jacobsson supports the conflicting parties with her extensive know-how, methodical knowledge but above all through an appreciative attitude. The systemic view of the group expands the understanding of conflicts and team dynamics.
organisational development & change management
Even the best change strategy or the best concept is worth nothing if it is implemented poorly. On the other hand, the best change management can not compensate for a bad strategy. The professional and the social part of a change are dependent of each other.
From her experience, Nicole Jacobsson knows that change management is only difficult when it comes to practical implementation. The theoretical tools often represent the least difficulties. The challenge is rather to mobilize the people following the new strategy in an efficient way.
Leadership therefore has a central role in change management.
Nicole Jacobsson supports you in your change project by understanding the requirements for a successful change implementation and helps you to; shape the future, facilitate learning of the organization, mobilize employees, define necessary communication needs and evaluate change efficiency afterwards.